3 Sleep Routine Examples and Ideas

Do you need help creating a sleep routine? Not sure how to put together a pre-bed routine? What should you even include in a sleep routine? 

Lucky for you, you don’t need to create one on your own.

What is a Sleep Routine?

What you do before you go to bed is your sleep routine. For about 40% of us, this routine is crawling into bed and scrolling through our phones. Sleep routines set the stage for how we sleep and phone-scrolling is one of the worst things you can do. 

Why Sleep Routines Matter

How our bodies feel and what space our minds are in before we lay down to sleep impact how fast we fall asleep, what the quality of our sleep is and how rested we feel the next morning. Sleep routines matter for our general sleep-wellbeing. 

General Rules of a Bedtime Routine

In general, all bedtime routines should include:

  • Minimum 1 hour screen free time (30 minutes is good for beginners)

  • No snacking

  • Pre-bed hygiene (washing face, brushing teeth, etc)

  • Something to relax

Part of a bedtime routine is to go to bed at the same time. Consistent sleep times can help us fall asleep quicker because our bodies get used to the routine on a biological and hormonal level. 

3 Example Sleep Routines

These sleep routines can be built upon or modified to fit what you need. 

Sleep Routine 1: The Zen

This routine is perfect for those who love zen vibes, are all about meditation and enjoy quiet space. This routine is also great for anyone who has trouble falling asleep because it focuses on calming the mind and body before bed. This routine can also include drinking a caffeine-free tea before you begin this routine.

1. (1-10 minutes) Sleep Hygiene: Brush your teeth and wash your face

Doing this early means that you can get right into bed as you’re at peak relaxation. If you do any type of face care routine, you can do this then, too. 

2. (10-15 minutes) Stretching

Stretching before bed relieves any muscle tension, relaxes the body and - when done with proper breathing - can slow down the mind.

3. (5-10 minutes) Meditation

Meditation is an excellent relaxation tool before bed. Forget your worries, let go of stress and leave any to-dos until tomorrow. 

4. (5-10 minutes) Change into PJS

Putting on your PJS after you’ve meditated and stretched keeps your sleeping clothes fresh and cool. 

5. (1-5 minutes) Get into bed

For some, this step includes turning on white noise machines, cracking a window, etc.

6. (5 minutes) In bed breathing exercises

Deep breathing and muscle relaxation while laying in bed can help carry on the calm from meditation. It can help you fall asleep quickly. 

7. (8-10 hours) Sleep

Sleep Routine 2: The Reflector 

This routine is great for those who love to look back on their day, those who spend time thinking about the past day while laying in bed  and those who love journaling. It is also a great routine for anyone looking to practice more gratitude in their days. 

1. (1-2 minutes) Message a loved one

Reaching out to someone you love right before bed is an awesome way to get yourself into a positive headspace. Do this before you put your phone away for the night. Even a simple “I appreciate you” can make you smile. 

2. (1-10 minutes) Sleep Hygiene: Brush your teeth and wash your face

Doing this early means that you can get right into bed as you’re at peak relaxation. If you do any type of face care routine, you can do this then, too. 

3. (10-15 minutes) Stretching

Stretching before bed relieves any muscle tension, relaxes the body and - when done with proper breathing - can slow down the mind.

4. (5-10 minutes) Change into PJS

Putting on your PJS after you’ve stretched keeps your sleeping clothes fresh and cool. 

5. (5-20 minutes) Journal

For those who enjoy reflecting on their day, journaling is an awesome habit. Journaling can be as simple as writing down something you learned that day or 3 things you’re grateful for. It can also be about writing long-form entries about your thoughts, feelings and memories. Journaling, for many, is the best way to get out any stressors from the day and get into a clear headspace before bed. 

6. (1-5 minutes) Get into bed

For some, this step includes turning on white noise machines, cracking a window, etc.

7. (5 minutes) In bed breathing exercises

Deep breathing and muscle relaxation while laying in bed can help carry on the calm from meditation. It can help you fall asleep quickly. 

8. (8-10 hours) Sleep

Sleep Routine 3: The Imaginator

This routine is perfect for those who want to break the habit of scrolling on their phones at night. It is a bit more active than the first two and will help you resist reaching for your phone. 

1. (1-2 minutes)Plug your phone in outside of your room

Bringing your phone into your room is basically setting yourself up for late night scrolling. Invest in an alarm clock and make your bedroom a phone-free zone. 

2. (1-10 minutes) Sleep Hygiene: Brush your teeth and wash your face

Doing this early means that you can get right into bed as you’re at peak relaxation. If you do any type of face care routine, you can do this then, too. 

3. (10-15 minutes) Stretching

Stretching before bed relieves any muscle tension, relaxes the body and - when done with proper breathing - can slow down the mind.

4. (5-10 minutes) Change into PJS

Putting on your PJS after you’ve stretched keeps your sleeping clothes fresh and cool. 

5. (1-5 minutes) Get into bed

For some, this step includes turning on white noise machines, cracking a window, etc. If you don’t have a bedside lamp, you can also do this after you read. 

6. (15 - 45 minutes) Read

If you’re used to scrolling on your phone at night, you’re accustomed to spending 30+ minutes laying in bed looking at content. By replacing this practice with reading, you get away from the screen while still engaging with your need for entertainment. And there’s nothing wrong with that! Reading before bed is great. This reading time is not meant to be educational. Put down the biographies and reach for a fun novel. This space is for relaxation and enjoyment. 

7. (5 minutes) In bed breathing exercises

Deep breathing and muscle relaxation while laying in bed can help carry on the calm from meditation. It can help you fall asleep quickly. 

8. (8-10 hours) Sleep

Simple Sleep Routines

Pre-bed routines are not meant to cause stress. They should help you unwind and fall asleep faster. These example sleep routines can be pulled apart, pieced together and reshaped to work for you.

What activity do you include in your sleep routine?


Your Guide to Reading Before Bed


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