How Your Pyjamas Affect Your Sleep
There’s nothing like a fresh pair of pyjamas to improve your day. They’re usually super soft, silky, cozy and — if you’re going to the right place — have some sweet sleep puns on them too. But did you know that your pjs actually play a big role in the quality of your sleep?
In this blog, we’ll cover:
how wearing pjs can improve your sleep
if sleeping nude is really better
how to choose your next pair of pyjamas
How Wearing Pyjamas Can Improve Your Sleep
Wearing PJs can actually improve your sleep because they:
regulate your body temperature
keep your sheets clean
wick away sweat
improve your comfort
We are comfortable (or uncomfortable) during the day because of our clothes. At night, what we sleep in does have a big impact. When you feel cool, your sheets are clean, you feel dry and cozy — you’re WAY more likely to feel relaxed into a big ball of coziness and fall asleep quickly.
You know you want these PJs.
PJs in a Bedtime Routine
Routines, especially bedtime routines, help our bodies thrive. We get into rhythms and habits that can impact our quality of sleep and how we feel during the day. Putting on PJs helps us get into the bedtime mindset and this usually starts when we’re children. Pyjamas as a step to getting ready for bed is universal.
Is It Better To Sleep Without Pyjamas?
Believe it or not, 1/3 of us don’t wear anything to bed. This isn’t to bad, but when you consider that the average adult changes their sheets only every 2 weeks, it may not sound so great.
Scientifically, there’s no real benefit to sleeping nude vs in pyjamas. All the data falls to the impact of lack of sleep or bad sleep hygiene. So, if you sleep nude, make sure you’re not getting too hot, too cold and that you clean your sheets often.
Why Does Wearing Pyjamas Make You Tired?
Our bodies thrive on habit. for many people, getting into cozy clothes is a signal to our brains and bodies that we’re ready to slow down, relax and get ready to unwind. It’s the same type of phenomenon as when you put on workout clothes when you don’t want to exercise but you suddenly feel more motivated. Or when you put on professional work clothes and you feel like a real life adult with a big person job.
What we wear impacts how we feel. And when we feel cozy, our bodies are ready to get cozy.
In fact, if you’re planning on taking a nap during the day, you may want to consider changing into your PJs. You could just nap better.
How To Choose Pyjamas
Here are our top things to look at when picking out PJs.
1. Material (Cotton = Best!)
Cotton is a great material to buy PJs in. They’re super breathable, can wick away moisture, can keep you cool in winter and are usually stretchy for comfort.
In the winter, you may prefer flannel pyjamas. The thicker material can keep you warmer. That being said, many people in colder areas swap their sheets for flannel ones so their beds are warmer anyways. Wearing flannel PJs in a flannel bed could make you SUPER warm.
2. Weather
Do you need new pyjamas for winter for summer? The weather can determine what type of pjs you shop for. Keep in mind that you do want your room to be cooler while you sleep and you definitely do not wan to be too hot while sleeping.
3. Comfort
You’d try on clothes before you buy them. Pyjamas are the same! Don’t hesitate to try them on — or at the very least feel the material and make sure it’s soft.
Comfort also determines what type of pjs you buy. Nighties, shorts, pants, baggy shirts, tank tops, v-necks… you can buy pjs as diverse as actual clothes. Some people love nightgowns. Others can’t stand them. There’s no right or wrong type of PJ to wear as long as you pick one that is comfortable to you.
4. Personal Preference
Some people just really like sleeping in boxers. Others love nightgowns. Others hate PJs all together. Don’t force yourself to buy PJs that you won’t wear or that you don’t like.
5. Hygiene
Your pjs help to keep you cool and fresh by wicking away sweat, reduce the amount of dead skin cells and bacteria on your sheets and to keep you clean during the night. You should sleep in clean pjs every night, too!
Sleep and Pyjamas
At the end of the day, you want to sleep in a cool, dry and cozy place. If you choose to sleep nude, make sure you clean your sheets MINIMUM once a week (2 - 3 times is best) and consider swapping to warmer sheets in cooler weather. If you like wearing PJs, choose them based off your comfort, preference and weather. Make changing into your PJS a part of your bedtime routine and have the best sleep of your life.
Getting excited about PJs isn’t just for kids. PJs are a friend to anyone who sleeps (and that’s everyone)