Meditations for a Better Night's Sleep

A study from the University of British Columbia’s Sleep Disorder Program found that about 30% of Canadians struggle with falling or staying asleep. With so many of us struggling with this basic human need, the rise of out-of-the-box or “unorthodox” techniques to catch some zzz’s may not be so surprising. One of the fastest rising trends in sleep seeking? 


What is meditation?

Meditation is a mental thought practice or technique that can help a person practice awareness, mindfulness, attention and mental clarity. A meditation wellness guide from the NY Times states that it is “a simple practice available to all which can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity and promote happiness.”

History of meditation on a stone engraving

The History of Meditation

Documentation of meditation can be dated back to 5,000 BCE in the form of Indian art. It originated from India and was quickly adopted by neighbouring countries. Some religions and beliefs have used meditation to still the mind and help a person find a deeper internal connection. 

Why is it so popular now?

Since the early 2010’s meditation has begun to rise in popularity as a health practise for people all over the world. Yoga and meditation in particular has been rising among women in North America. Some speculations for why meditation is becoming more popular is the increasing value placed on mental health and wellbeing. Stress and anxiety is more prevalent today than ever before and the practise of meditation is proven to help address these problems. 

How Does Meditation Help Sleep?

Stress, overthinking and having an active and busy brain at night can make us feel more awake. Actually, it can even make our bodies BE more awake.

Stress and sleep don't go together, even at the most biological level. Chemicals released in our brains when we sleep are the same chemicals that stop stress hormones and encourage us to relax and feel calm. Stress while crawling into bed - whether it’s through worry, anxiety, thinking about the list of tasks for the next day or going over that argument again in your head - can literally stop us from being able to fall asleep. 

Meditating on a bed for sleep

Meditation is, as explored above, about slowing down your mind, clearing out unproductive thoughts and finding a sense of internal and mental peace. Meditation can help sleep by encouraging a person to let go of stress, to focus on relaxation and breathing. Ultimately, it reduces this “awake” feeling both mentally and physically. All together, this helps to ease your body into a sense of calm - ultimately welcoming the sandman and bringing on dreams. 

A study found that people suffering from insomnia can reduce their wake time over 50% with the use of meditation.

How do You Meditate for Sleep?

Meditation doesn’t look the same for everyone. Some people enjoy the traditional meditation form that you may think of - sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed listening to calming music. For many people though, meditation doesn’t look like that at all. In fact, there are many things you have probably done in the past that may be seen as a form of nighttime meditation. 

Counting sheep, for example, could be seen as a basic form of meditation. It’s a process of getting your mind off of unwelcome thoughts and of slowing down your breathing and body while quieting your internal senses. The head-to-toe relaxation method in which you start at your feet and slowly relax your body all the way up to your head is also quite popular. 

Neither of these are perhaps meditation in the “traditional” sense but they are a form of relaxation.

Where To Find Meditation for Sleep Programs and Guides?

Since the awareness about the value of sleep, sleep meditations have also become more popular. There are many places to go for sleep meditations and there are many different types to try. 

Many health apps related to smart watches or fitness trackers have mindfulness or meditation sessions. Many podcasts are now focused around the topic of meditation and sleep. YouTube even has plenty of meditation guides that are geared towards sleep. Free and paid apps for meditation are available for smartphones, too. 

Meditation and Sleep

Meditation is one way to help reduce stress and to bring forth a sense of calmness at night. The connection between your mental space and sleep cannot be more important and if anything, the growth of meditation as a trend highlights that we are all looking to find more tranquility in our lives. 


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