Bye Bye Sleep Tech: Hello Traditional Sleep Tips!
A better night sleep is something we all seek. 1 in 2 Canadian adults struggle to fall asleep and 1 in 5 say that they don’t find sleep refreshing. That’s is a shocking number. Sleep, after all, is our bodies way to rest and recover. Struggling to sleep and not feeling rested after sleeping is a big problem for a persons overall wellness.
A 2020 survey found that 60% of Americans are looking to tech to fix their sleep issues. Many of these are not natural sleep aids either. Sleep tech is predicted to reach a market value of $67 billion USD by 2023, with the total sleep aids market to top On top of that, sleep medication and aids is estimated to be a $70 billion industry. Thats a lot of money spent on sleep.
But do you need to spend money to get quality sleep? Are sleeping pills and tech tools the best way to get a restful night’s sleep?
Definitely not.
There are plenty of natural and inexpensive ways for you to get a more restful sleep. And YES — they DO actually work.
The Growing Conversation Around Sleep Deprivation
While there seems to be no scientific proof that our quantity and quality of sleep is diminishing, the reports of sleep deprivation seems to grow. There are a few reasons this could be true:
1) We talk about sleep differently today then we used to as studies and knowledge about the deeper workings of sleep grow
2) The rise in conversation about mental health and the connection between sleep and mental health has naturally bolstered the topic of sleep.
3) Studies revolving around technology — cellphones and screens in particular — have been alarming in their findings related to sleep.
4) Social media has given people a platform to express their experience with sleep deprivation and other issues around sleep; It’s not a bigger issue than it has been, but we talk about it more.
There is a big issue with people being rested and feeling satisfied with their sleep — that much is true. But if we’re sleeping the same amount as they did 50 years ago but feel way more tired, is there a bigger issue at play?
The Big Question: Are Sleep Tech and Sleep Aids Really Needed?
Maybe the real secret to a better nights sleep is to get back to the basics. After all, human beings are still animals in our essence. And no amount of sleep tech or melatonin is going to patch up a lack of routine, lazy days, over sleeping and blasting our eyes with blue light right before bed.
Back to Basics (With a Hint of Tech)
Now, if you love your sleep earbuds to play your white noise and enjoy your smart mattress and tracking your sleep, there’s nothing wrong with that. Using sleep tech, supplements or sleep aids to learn more about how you sleep and to help bring your sleep to the next level is not a bad thing. What becomes dangerous is if you lean on tech and sleep aids to solve your problem with sleep itself. To truly achieve the best sleep of your life, you need to look at sleep the way we look at all things wellness: there needs to be a balance.
So, love up on your smart pillow and embrace the techie-new alarm clock you use. But do so while practicing these traditional sleep tips at the same time.
A Case For Sleep Disorders and the Power of Sleep Studies
A caveat to this is that there are actual sleep disorders that can impact a persons ability to sleep. Sleep tech, unfortunately, wont help with these either. If you are having trouble sleeping and you suspect that it’s a bigger issues, reach out to your doctor to get a referral for sleep study. Not only are sleep studies covered by OHIP, but they can provide important insight into what happens to you when you sleep.
Our Top Traditional Sleep Tips
These are our best tips for a better nights sleep - all natural!
Follow a Sleep Routine
As children we are subjected to the dreaded bedtime. As we grow up and embrace our individuality the “bedtime” fades away - we no longer keep ourselves restricted to the clock for when we should sleep. Instead, we enjoy a late night Netflix binge, scroll through Twitter until 2am, texting friends late, or getting one last hour of work in because you have that deadline coming up. After all, “bedtime” is for children. . . Right?
In fact, having a consistent sleep and wake-up time is incredibly beneficial for quality sleep. Your body has a natural rhythm of when to produce melatonin - the natural sleep drug made by your body - and when to help you fall asleep. This rhythm - the circadian rhythm - is the natural process of your body to sleep and wake up. The more consistent your bedtime is, the stronger your circadian rhythm is. A stronger rhythm means falling asleep faster, deeper sleep and a more restful sleep.
We have three examples of sleep routines to get you started. Adapt these to make them your own, or use ours until you get going!
This bedtime routine can also be paired with a relaxing tea (read on to learn about those), reading a book or even five minutes of meditation. This “routine” can all help to relax your mind and body.
All of these come together to give you the best sleep you can have.
Get Moving During the Day
There are small things that you can do during the day that can drastically improve your sleep later on at night. Very simple changes such as avoiding caffeine a few hours before bed, getting at least 10 minutes of exercise during the day and limiting napping can make a huge difference.
It may be odd to think that what you do during the day has an impact but it does. Challenge yourself to make a small change for even a week - then judge it for yourself.
Eat Healthy
YES! What you eat does impact sleep. Not only does your food feed your gut (and the gut impacts your sleep) but the nutrients in food can help balance all the good hormones that help you fall asleep at night.
Listen To Your Body
This works for both cases - if you’re sleepy go to bed. If you’ve been tossing and turning and can’t sleep, get out of bed and do something until you start to feel sleepy again.
The biggest challenge with people staying up if they aren’t tired is that they often turn to screens and technology. The blue light emitted by your phone and other screens can impact your body's ability to recognize you should be going to bed.
Instead, use that time to have a tea, to read a book, do 5 minutes of meditation or some deep breathing. Give yourself half an hour to get sleepy and then head back to bed. This can actually result in a more restful night’s sleep than if you stayed in bed staring at the clock and thinking about how you can’t sleep.
If you’re an early riser, embrace that and go to bed early. If you’re a night owl, embrace that too and create a sleep schedule that works for you. But listen to your body and make sure you’re taking care of it at the same time.
Lower Your Bedroom Temperature
When it comes to sleep, the cooler the better for temperature. Cool temperatures help to indicate to the body that its bedtime. You can read all about it in our blog here.
When in Doubt: Go Natural with Teas and Sleepy Herbs
If you are having trouble sleeping and are looking for a sleep aid, try to stick as natural as possible. Many people think of melatonin right away when they think of a natural “drug” to take help with sleep. Melatonin however is something your body makes naturally and should not be looked at as a long-term sleep solution. While it is looked at as non-addictive and safe, overusing melatonin can effect your bodies natural ability to product the hormone on it’s own. Even though it’s sold over the counter in most drugstores, consult your doctor before leaning on melatonin for a long term sleep solution.
There are other natural and safe sleep aids that can help you get into the sleepy mood.
These sleepy herbs and teas don’t all focus just on sleep. Anxiety and stress are two of many things that can make you sleep restlessly. There are many options for these, too, so you can find one that works for you.
Chamomile has been used for years - perhaps even centuries - as a relaxing drink to help calm the nerves. Chamomile has high levels of an antioxidant called “apigenin”. This particular antioxidant can help decrease anxiety, lower blood pressure and can act as a sleep aid. In general, it’s a calming tea that can help get you ready for bedtime.
Valerian root:
Valerian is a tall grassland plant that flowers. Valerian root is often extracted and used in teas to help with sleep. Just like with chamomile, the chemical compounds found in valerian can help to reduce stress and bring on a sense of calmness and tranquility. Valerian root is often an ingredient in sleep aid teas.
Lavender is known as being a great aid for sleep and insomnia. Because of the pleasant scent associated with the flower, lavender is used in a variety of other sleep aids aside from tea. Pillows with lavender flowers, essential oils and even pillow sprays and mists are also available. The beauty with lavender is that the flowers will give off the calming scent for a very long time - if they lose their smell simply give them a squish and rub them between your hands. You’ll notice a difference right away.
The Best Sleep Tip: Take Care Of Your Body
Getting a restful night's sleep does not require the latest tech tools or sleep gadgets. Sleep is something the body does naturally. Treat the whole process with attention, listen to your body and, if necessary, consider trying some natural sleep aids like teas. With these tips you’re bound to have the most restful sleep you’ve ever had.