How Sleep Affects Your Metabolism

So you’re on a health kick. You have prepared meals and have an exercise plan to follow… but what about sleep? 

In a 2019 study researchers analyzed the health, medical histories, and sleep totals of a group of more than 130,000 men and women ages 40 to 69. With this data researchers were able to link sleeping less than six hours, as well as sleeping more than 10 hours, to cases of metabolic syndrome and related symptoms. Wow, talk about an ideal sleep window.

So what is Metabolic Syndrome, anyways?

People diagnosed with metabolic syndrome have at least three of the following symptoms: excess fat around the middle, hypertension, low levels of HDL or “good” cholesterol, high fasting blood glucose and high triglyceride levels. 

Another red flag for issues with metabolism include feelings of excessive sleepiness that arise even if they meet the recommended seven to nine hours a night. Other red flags include lifestyle changes such as a new work schedule, job relocation, or increase in physical exercise. 

Where do sleep disorders fit in?

There is also a connection between metabolic issues and disorders like sleep apnea. This kind of disorder may result in poor sleep quality, leaving people tired in the morning. But because there may be other health issues at play, including Parkinson’s, depression, anxiety, infections and gastrointestinal disorders, if you are experiencing excessive sleepiness, it’s important to mention it to your doctor. Take the time to describe your symptoms in detail which will help your doctor diagnose your condition and recommend the best treatment fit for you.

If you or someone you know is experiencing challenges with their sleep or metabolism, you can download a referral form here and bring it to your doctor. They can submit it and send you into a sleep lab for a study.
