What is Sleep Hygiene?


We brush our teeth, shower… you know all about hygiene. But are you taking care of your sleep hygiene too? Sleep hygiene refers to healthy sleep habits. Good sleep hygiene is important because of how crucial getting good sleep is for your mental and physical health, as well as your overall quality of life.

Your behaviours during the day — not just what you do right before bed — can affect how well you sleep. Your food and drink choices, daily schedule, evening routine, and many other activities all play a part in your ability to sleep.

Now that we know what sleep hygiene is, let’s take a look at 5 ways to improve it:

  1. Keep your schedule consistent.

    7-8 hours of sleep a night and keep your bedtime and wake times the same everyday - yes, weekends too!

  2. Keep a bedtime routine.

    And start it 1 hour before bedtime. Take a warm bath, stretch or do some yoga, drink a mug of (decaf) tea, and limit screen time.

  3. Nap 30 minutes max/day.

    Or not at all. Too much nap time can really throw off your sleep routines.

  4. Keep your pre-bedtime food light.

    Downing a pizza right before catching some zzz’s is not the recipe to success. You should have 2-3 hours between your last meal and bedtime.

  5. Keep your diet nutrient-dense.

    And limit stimulants like alcohol and caffeine.

Trouble winding down at night? Try a sleep meditation like this one from Headspace! If you or someone you know is having trouble sleeping bring this referral form to your doctor and come see us. Sleep studies are 100% covered by OHIP! 


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